Drawing with a grid

The grid is a pattern of evenly spaced dots in horizontal and vertical rows. The pointer and objects can be made to snap to the grid dots, whether or not the grid is visible. Snapping to the grid is useful for aligning objects when you create and move them.

You might want to set up grid spacing and activate grid snap before you begin to draw your plan.

  • The grid spacing is affected by the units and measurement system that you specify using the Units Setup command. If you are working in US units, the grid spacing choices are in US units.
  • Objects can snap to the grid even if it isn't visible. Also, you can display the grid when snap is not active.
  • When you lay out the plan of a house, you might want to work with grid snap active. When you begin to work on the details of the plan, you might want to turn off the grid snap.

To activate the grid snap

Choose the Snap to Grid command in the Layout menu, or click the Snap Grid button.

To display the grid

Choose the Show Grid command in the Layout menu.

Grid Setup dialog box

Grid Setup dialog box

Snap Grid button

Snap Grid button displays grid setup options

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